Lightburn Stopped Working!

Using Lightburn last night, works perfectly. Today, Lightburn will not start. Re-booted my windows laptop, same result. Removed Lightburn, reinstalled it. Same issue. clicking on Lightburn icon, nothing happens. Any thoughts please?

I just read this morning that someone reinstalled the C++ redistributables and that solved their problem. I suspect Windows Update is the culprit.

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I follow this and it works.

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Hi, How do I do this please?

Ok so I fixed this by going into the program files folder where the application .exe is and scrolling right down to the bottom of the list and found this file:
I double clicked on that and did a ‘Repair’ and then had to restart the computer and all works fine now!
Hope this helps someone else :grinning:


thank you, folks! I did just that and now it works perfectly! Thanks Microsoft!

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