Ligthburn program cant start after opdate

Hej I opdate til version 1.5.01 og now the programme can not start. It commes out wiht the following fail: VCRUNTIME140_1.DDLcan not be found… Can you help…?

Check here:

thanks for help…I am happy now…

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I downloaded version 1.5.01 and installed no problem. I downloaded 1.5.01 and windows see it as a threat and ask if I want to keep it. I have but when I try to install it’s now wanting to install microsoft visual C++2015-2022. Is they a problem with this patch release?

Thank you I had the same issue after updating lightburn. The program would not install. After installing from your link things seem to be working as should.
Many Thanks

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This is “normal”? I’ve never seen it before… Should it be installed first and then updated to version 1.5.01?
This is not very elegant guys.


It was added to address a C++ runtime dependency issue that some people were getting. Close out if you’re not interested in installing it.

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