Line up a jig on a non fixed bed


I made a jig for 10 dogtags to be able to fasten up a little bit, and do some testing.
I have not a fixed honey comb bed because I have to take the laser outside when I’m working.

What is the best way to line up this jig when I’m going to do some engraving?
I was thinking about the way they do it in this video when engraving a piece that is bigger then the machine.

When they make the cross and line up after that.

Or do you know a better way to do it?

Thanks in advance


Print-and-Cut does exactly what you want, as shown in that video.

I use it on all my fixtures, because the platform shifts slightly across the XY plane as the leadscrews move it up and down to focus on the material:

Making the targets part of the fixture ensures they’re properly aligned with the material:

The somewhat enlarged spot at the crosshairs comes from manually pulsing the laser to verify its location. For that project, being off a millimeter didn’t matter, but it’s good practice anyway.


One other quick and simple method to line things up like this is to put some masking tape down on your bed area. Vector cut the outside outline of your fixture in the tape, then place your fixture on the tape in that location. Perfect alignment every time, quick and easy.


Thank you so much for the replies.

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