I too am a Linux user who will be sad to see Lightburn go from my platform of choice. I have been a Windows user/developer (work), have done the Mac thing, but went back to Linux after a coffee ended my last Mac Book Pro… don’t miss it… except for some pieces of software that just don’t make it to Linux…
Looking at various sources, Linux seems to make up around 4-5% of the desktop market, not that much, but still significant, and at least slowly increasing. Mac OS about 15%, so not hugely more… I know it was mentioned that this does not equate to Lightburn percentages, but still interesting looking towards the future.
Linux will continue having a hard time on the desktop if applications simply are not available for it… so when they are, I am happy, when they go, that is sad/disappointing…
Could you not have a matrix like:
Feature Windows Mac OS Linux
Feature A Yes Yes Yes
Feature B Yes Yes Yes
Camera Support Yes Yes No
X Feature Yes Yes No
Y Feature Yes Yes Partial
Supported Yes Yes Version <= 2.7 Yes
>2.7 Community Support Only
This means if you want the extra features or support, you must go for the Windows or Mac version.
Would this not solve most of the problems? Yes, there will still be work involved in conditionally including/excluding features and keeping at least one Linux platform building, but hopefully the smaller numbers of Linux users would still make this cost effective?
It also has the advantage of keeping the code base compatible (somewhat, minus the features that are too difficult) with Linux should the unexpected happen, and Linux takes off, or a competitor comes in with a Linux version and then offers a Windows/Mac version too.
Will finish off by saying I appreciate the support Lightburn has had for Linux in the past, and the fact that we can continue to use the last supported version indefinitely, I can understand the predicament you now face… hopefully there will be a way forward that will continue with Linux support… fingers crossed… otherwise I guess it will be 2.7 for a while.
Thanks for the journey so far!