Just updated to 1.6.03, now everytime i shut down my pc and open it again my art library in lightburn disappears, i have to keep up loading it from my desktop art library where i first made it, is anyone else having this problem, or can anyone tell me why this keeps happening??
Thanks in advance, Chris
Lightburn doesn’t delete these or manipulate them unless you are using Lightburn to modify the library.
It just might be in a different place.
Might want to search your computer for the files…
I believe they have a .lbart extension.
I know where the original files are kept, i thought once i upload the into the art library in lightburn, they should stay there, not disappear every time i shut down and restart pc
That is exactly how it is supposed to work. Just for reference I’ve not seen this issue myself.
Where are your lbart files stored, are they on a mapped network drive or folder?
Once in lightburn, i create new folder in my art library on my desktop, all files are stored on pc hard drive,
Ok, I thought it was worth asking the question. Perhaps the LB staff can take a look at your log files to see whether they can see where it’s going wrong.
All good, I’ll email the team, thanks for the replies
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