Macbook freeze while engraving with Lightburn

I am running Lightburn for over a year now on my Macbook Pro. (2012). No problem whatsoever. My laser is a NEJE Master 2 Plus

My current project is engraving 250 plywood beer slates, 3 at a time, every day one or 2 sets. A set of 3 slates will take one hour and a half!

For a week now, having done over 150 slates, my setup will freeze on random point in the job.

The laser will stop and power will be down to the marker point.

Lightburn hangs and the Macbook hangs, but I can reboot.After restart and reload the file (adjusted to the progress it had before) the setup will hang-up again later on. I need 3 or more reboots for one job to complete. Mac Os will report a restart due to a problem, which I send to Apple every time.

In mean time I updated both MacOs and Lightburn to latest version. The problem stays.

Now I temporarily connected a Lenovo Laptop with W11 and reinstalled Lightburn. No more problem.

So what can be my Mac problem? What else can I do?

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