Macbook Pro running Catalina/Ortur does not move at ready

Macbook Pro OS Catalina. Downloaded latest license from Lightburn for my Ortur. Open workpage up and file, all set to go. Says ready and laser acts like no command sent. Won’t home, won’t frame, won’t move at all. I checked all cables, machine is definitely on and connected. Moves in little dance when turned on but thats it. Help?

Try restarting. Also try each com port. I have Lightburn connected to nothing and it says ready.
Watch your console and it will tell you if connected.

Thanks. I tried every listing under Device. I read the console and it says waiting for connection even thoy biggest problem is me. I don’t use Ortur and Lightburn as much as I should. Its been about a year since last time I ran it-no problems. Maybe I should downgrade my OS from Catalina.

in the dropdown in front of devices what devices does it show?

what cables are you using, stock or you using adapters/ different cables?

I would recomend updating for 1.4.04 that will help too
But remember
a) POWER on ortur
b) plug usb
c) only then launch lighburn, it matters :smiley:

You did try each com port? Not different devices.

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