Machine coordinates not right after reset device

Hello all,
Noobie here. I am familiar with CNC world but this laser gig is a little different than what I am used to. I have read the GRBL setup common FAQ’s and other posts but they don’t seem to be the same as what I am experiencing…
Ortur LM2 - 400mmX430mm, GRBL 1.1h, LB 1.0.04

When I right click on “devices” on the laser tab (to reset the machine connection), the machine homes to limit switches OK (machine goes to X:0,Y:0), but when I ‘Get Position’ on ‘Move’ tab, it comes back as X:645 and Y:645 and clearly out of the machines work area. When I try to move the laser in the move tab with the arrows - Y axis moves toward the front of the machine (but is already at the limit switch) regardless of witch Y axis arrow (up or down arrow) I press and the same for X axis (left or right arrow still moves right into the limit switch). I can force the machine to “bottom out” in the bottom left hand corner (but not good for the motors and grinds) until 0,0 is achieved and then everything works as it should -cutting, moving, jogging, etc. As soon as I reset the device - back to 645,645…

I read the FAQ about the offset for negative work area machines but it doesn’t seem like that is my issue (but I could be completely wrong). I did try the G10 L2 P1 x -645 y -645 command to no avail thinking I could correct with an offset where the app thinks the machine is at.

I would love some help with this as I am getting frustrated. Thank you in advance for any assistance. :wink:

~ Brian

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Hello all,
Figured it out…

command G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 did the trick. Ill set it up in a macro so I dont have to type it each time :wink:

Oh, and I apologize for spelling “which” wrong in the original post. I am tired and frustrated!
Have a great night all,


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