MacOS M1 MBpro LightBurn not detecting ComGrow Z1 20W ... tried suggestions

I tried to avoid having to post what is an easy question, so I read through the relevant comments and tried them (except I’m not sure what laser usb cable means) on my M1 MBpro using a USBc-a adapter. DTR on, off, baud rates, etc. Am I supposed to exit the software or turn off the printer for each change?
I’m sorry, but this all seems primitive for 2024 software … I remember doing a lot of this in 1980 when I built my first dual Z1 computer with a massive 64K memory and 110K floppy … except the baud rate was pretty slow, and we had a few other handshaking things to set.

I bought the LB software 3+ years ago for NeJe laser, but ended up having to use their APP. I have paid for updates, and was hoping that things would work for the Z1, now years later. I read that LB still doesn’t have the ability to detect even the newer inexpensive lasers, so I went to manual install and used GRBL, 400/400, etc.

I think I have an adapter hub that has 2 USB2 ports that I could try … not sure what else I can do, besides find a PC.

Try baud rate 230400 and 921600.
After each baud rate change power cycle the laser.

The most common issue on Mac is the USB-C to USB-A conversion. Try different cables or a USB hub. The latter works best in most cases. Those lasers use very old USB serial chips that sometimes can’t handle high speed USB ports. Better put something in between. Reset port settings to default again before.


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