Material Library for Eleksmaker A3

Has anyone compiled a materials library for the Eleksmaker A3? If not an entire library maybe some users could post settings for individual materials and we can compile one.

I also want to know this…
Please share it with us.

Rob Oudendijk

Did anyone provide an answer to your request? I am new to Lightburn and prefer to not reinvent the wheel. Thanks in advance if anyone could assist.

Unfortunately not yet. Thanks for asking.

IF not a material library, does anyone have a list of cut/engrave settings of various material for a 5.5W laser [likely only 1.5W to 2W optical output]?

There is information here OdicForce Lasers regarding the speeds and number of passes to cut various materials with a 2W Optical Output Diode Laser . . . this is most likely the level of power output by a 5.5W EleksMaker.

I have summarised the information as best I can in the table below . . .

. . . the engraving speeds & power are my best guess at appropriate settings.

It would be great to get feedback from people on their experience with these or other materials when using a low cost 5.5W input or equivalent power diode laser.