Material Test Framing Bug?

Using my galvo fiber laser and setting up a Material test, the framing it outputs is the same outer dimension/shape whether I have the Enable Text or Enable Border selector on or off. Most of my substrates are small and adding the text takes up too much room, so I turn off the Enable Text & Border. However, the frame output is still the same size/contour as with it enabled and thus it is harder to align just the squares on my substrate. Is this how it is intended to be? If so, can you make the option to not include the text in the frame when the Enable Text button is disabled?

Hmmm… The same thing happens on my CO2 gantry laser too. Framing with the text off still includes the text as part of the frame even though the laser doesn’t output it and thus my alignment of where I want it doesn’t match where I put the origin.

I have also been annoyed by this issue when trying to do material tests on small items. Not being able to frame the actual test boxes alone has made it so I basically don’t even attempt to use the material test on some things, choosing instead to bodge an equivalent by just altering and moving one box.

It would be delightful if the disabled options were not included in the framing.

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