Material Test Generator: Y Center & X Center not saving with preset

Is there a particular reason why the Y Center and X Center values are not saved with a preset? When I’m testing, I prefer to move across a piece of material as I’m trying different values. Retaining the values would be a help.

They don’t save on mine either.

I follow what you mean…

It would be very nice if it even remembered settings from a previous use in that instance of Lightburn.

If you’re in there testing, and close it, you have to enter all of the changed values again… it’s irritating… I shouldn’t have to save it and reload it every time I use the function.

Maybe @JohnJohn could advise…


Yes its odd that position is the only setting not saved, I have also found it odd that the default location is dead centre of the work area, I would imagine most people start by doing their test in a corner so the home location would make a good start point. there is enough data to calculate where the centre needs to be if working from Home.

Guess I’m not most people :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Depends on the machine. It seems to me I do it on my Ruida/grbl using user origin.

On the fiber, there is no user origin, so I use the center work area …

Can’t say I’ve ever had an problem using it the way it is, at least from this standpoint.

I was also doing this a bit before the materials test was available… along with being old, so I do forget some things :joy_cat:


Of all the things I forget, why can’t I forget how old I am?

Oh I was thinking along the lines of if its in the corner this will leave a lager workable area to use when testing complete.

What were we talking about ?

Please post this idea on our Feature Suggestions site.

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