Material test inverted

I’m new to engraving and especially to Lightburn. I was doing material tests on aluminum to discover exactly what power and speed setting to use, and I noticed that the resulting grid numbers are backwards. Like I was looking at the grid from the back. That’s confusing trying to read the values. Is there a setting somewhere that will correct that?

Assuming this is on the Fiber laser you have in your profile, you have your X or Y axis set wrong. This typically happens when you don’t import the markcfg7 file when creating your device, as that sets the galovs correctly as well as lens config, etc. You can step back through the already created device and add that in, which will eliminate a lot off issues.

If you don’t have that, you can correct it in Edit/Device settings here, by flipping the toggles for which galvo is X, etc. until things correct. If you don’t have the markcfg7, your scaling, bulge, etc. will all be off, so you’ll want to research how to do the 9 point lens correction to get that all sorted as well.

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