I currently have a Raspberry Pi 3b with a Protoneer CNC Hat connected to some external stepper drivers and a large CNC with a 10w PWM LED laser head attached. I would like to use a laptop to control the system, however it seems the lightburn bridge unit is more for LAN connected or USB connected options. Is there by chance something I can install on my current Raspberry Pi running Bookworm Raspbian to open a network port or something for it to connect to? I’m not opposed to installing the lightburn bridge on my Pi, but does it understand there is a serial CNC GRBL hat installed on top for it to control? So many questions… Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this matter. I also would be open to a control board that will use my external stepper drivers and work with lightburn, if it comes to that.
I can’t give a concrete answer but I know that there are people who control the laser machine through their laptop. My machine even allows you to do this via WiFi, but the card’s reception is so weak that it’s preferable to work with a cable connected.
I have read several comments about running their laser with a Raspberry Pi. Have you used the Forum search tool for more information? Considering your laser is a DIY project, I would expect you to do this as a start.
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