I had min power setting for each layer until I upgraded LightBurn to 1.1. It’s disappered.
(I am using GRBL 1.1h)
As I understand it, the minimum power for GRBL has only ever been effective for Grayscale image engraving. If you load an image that setting should appear on the cuts/layers palette as before.
Thanks for the reply.
As I know the min power takes effect also on acceleration and decceleration, and on corners. In this situations the min power helps to prevent overburning, but maybe it’s a mistake and effective only on grayscale images.
Here is an old post from Oz.
LightBurnOzOwner / Lead Developer
You can do it when using grayscale mode, and it behaves exactly as you say. Line mode and the different dither modes are just on/off though, so there is no min power used. With DSP controllers, the Min Power setting on lines controls the lowest power the machine uses during a cutting move, when cornering. GCode devices do not have the ability for me to set this.
Oh, okay. Thank you very much, then this was my mistake.
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