Multiple copies of lightburn

I use a Mac to do all my files and send to my laser. My wife is getting into designing things for me to do for our Etsy store. She uses a Window based program. Can I download and install Lightburn on her computer so she can help in designing files and if so, what is the cost???


Gary Wright

it is from the document section under license

Yes, you can:

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I want a similar set up … one copy on Windows (for design), one on Linux (to drive the laser).

Can I assume (if both devices use the same device setup) that simply saving the project in the native Lightburn format will allow me to transfer from the Windows machine to the Linux machine?

Yes. I have Lightburn on both Win10 & Linux machines.

Yes, there’s no problem running the software on different machines. The only thing that is occasionally an issue is that sometimes you’ll have different font files that have the same name on different OS’s - for example, ‘Arial’ on Windows might look slightly different than ‘Arial’ on the Mac.

If you make sure you have the same font files on both machines that shouldn’t be a problem, and you can also save a second copy of the project with all the text converted to simple paths, and that will be universal.

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