My controller settings are reseted

Hello folks

Yesterday I was working on my laser and I was wondering what is “set deafult para” so I accidentally pressed it. I noticed that my laser started behaving strangely. when I pressed the button for up head would go down and same for the left and right, also homing position was wrong instead of going in the upper right corner when homing the laser head would go in the lower left corner. The Z axis would move at the very high speed and also in the wrong direction. Also when I moved the X axis to the end of the table it did not know for the limits it would move to the end and just hit the rail. I assume that my Ruida controller settings were messed up, so I was wondering if anyone know how to find settings for my laser so I can rewrite them.

Your best bet would likely be to contact the manufacturer of your machine and see if they can provide details on the configuration. Failing that, there is a section in the LightBurn manual that talks about configuring a Ruida controller from defaults:

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Try File > Preferences > load pref. backup and choose one before.

I sent an e-mail to the manufacturer of my machine so I hope they would respond, by the way thank you for your response.

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Generally you can’t break them from the control panel in a single stroke. If it could damage the machine, it usually requires a password.

Did you try the button again, maybe it’s got some kind of storage…

What model of Ruida do you use?


I didn’t just pressed the “set deafult para” but I had typed the password into controller and then I figured it out that I made a mistake. I have a RDC6445GZ ruida model.

If you did a factory reset, you’ve lost your vendor settings. If you have to enter a password, you might think twice about doing that.

You can try the File → Preferences → load prefs backup and see if that helps. Otherwise you might check with the vendor and see if they have a backup for you.

The other option is to find someone with a settings file for your model… Mine is a 6442g.


I think I did a factory reset, because when I opened vendor settings I saw that they are messed up. Also I tried File - Preferences - Load prefs backup and it didn’t work out.

Does every ruida model has their own vendor settings and are they always the same?

If they were the same, I’d have posted mine.

No, generally they are not the same, someone may have different motor/pulley which changers how much a step will move the head or gantry. How fast to accelerate each axes, maximum speed of each axes… just to name a few that change…

Maybe someone has a 6445 type controller and can give you theirs, then you can modify it, to work on your machine…

Good luck


So, you are saying that someone with the same controller like me could have vendor settings for my machine.
And how can I modify these settings to be perfect for my machine?

Unless the manufacturer of your machine only made one of them, the settings should be the same.

I’d think you’d have heard from someone by now, I know there are lots of 6445 owners out there.

I have mine for a 6442g… you can have it, but if you load it you bear complete responsibility for an issues…

blue-laser-machine-settings.lbset (12.7 KB)

If you boot it, you can press esc on the machines console to stop it from homing. Then you can control the machine without it running into things…

Good luck


Thank you for your response!

I managed to set the right X and Y polarity, so now my homing works properly. Also now when I press the button for right the head would go right, same for the left, up and down. I also asked manufacturer for vendor settings, and they did not answered. So now I will try to find someone with the same controller like me or try to set settings manually.

Sorry to bother you but, do you know how to lower the speed of the head when I press the button for the left, for example, it is going too fast something like 400mm/s or even 500mm/s instead of around 100mm/s, I think that is normal speed?

And also when I set in the lightburn to cut me a rectangle 10mm x 10mm, for example, laser would cut much bigger rectangle than 10 times 10, is this sovleable with steps calibration?

On the Ruida console is a button for speed, you can set it there.

First, ensure that both are in the same unit, such as mm/m or mm/s – inches.

As far as it’s off, I doubt that step calibration is too much of an issue, but we can always look at that.


Okay, thank you very much for your quickly responses. I will try to fix it up so that my machine is operating properly.