My Laser Does not cut all the way through

Hi, My laser cannot cut through 4mm plywood on (MM/Min) 180/100%, 1.5 offset and up to 30 passes and nothing is cutting. I don’t know what i’m doing wrong.

it feels like it just can’t cut through the last layer.

Laser: Two Trees Laser TSS 55 Pro - Diode Laser (bought it a month ago).
Wood: 4mm Plywood

Is this a new problem?
Do you have air assist?

No, it’s not a new problem

I’ve only done engraving so far, this is the first time I’m cutting with the laser.

Sadly, i don’t have air assist

5 watt laser will not excel at cutting.
Have you cleaned your lens?
Air assist helps to cut better and keeps smoke from fouling your lens.

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did you adjust the distance between the laser to the wood? Having said that, the 5.5W laser is not really meant for cutting 4mm plywood. Does in engrave well?

I’ve cut 3mm Ply with a 5 watt before but will mirror others in that its not going to be its strong suit. If it has an optional air assist it can help. 3 passed feels like ti would be enough to cut through based on my past results.

Have you tried running any slower? Might be worth running a material test at some slower values. However, going slower you’ll need to be extra observant and stop it right away if you notice anything wrong.

Also recommend what @Dskall said in cleaning the lens. Any build up on it will affect its performance.