My laser fill engraving out of line with laser cut and engraved lines

I have been doing some example pieces in preparation for producing some goods to sell to help a local charity and one is name badges.
What I have found is that the fill lasering does not line up with the engraved and cut lines (see photo - bottom left & right of name tag). I have a brand new Boxford BGL350 which seems to be working very well in all other aspects. I have run the same file through our BGL460 at school and it came out perfectly. I have emailed Boxford support with all the details and the file and am awaiting a further response as they say the file is fine.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
The honeycomb bed doesn’t move during use and the machine is stable
on a concrete floor. The problem seems to be more exaggerated when lasering on the LH side of the bed rather than the right.
Thank you in advance.

Maybe this doc helps:

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I’ll put in a vote for the Ruida PWM Rising Edge Valid configuration screwup:

Unless the machine is wired very oddly, both of the switches should be False.

Aaand folks have found that setting can be incorrect right out of the box. :slightly_frowning_face:

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