My Preview and the burn are upside down

Yesterday, my mouse battery died. After replacing it, I got my
cursor back, but I no longer have an origin handle and the preview and burn are upside down. I have removed the mouse dongle, turned off the mouse and rebooted my laptop. After reinstalling the mouse, the problem persists.

I really need to get this resolved soon.

Is your origin set to top left in Device Settings?

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Yes, I have verified my origin is correctly set in Device Settings.

I have found the origin handle. It is about 15" above the artwork. If I move the art up, the handle moves down. If I move the art down, the handle moves up. The lication of the handle, relative to the art, has no effect on thr upside down preview

Check if you have rotary enabled.

Yes, the rotary is rnabled and has been for about 18 months.

Then there might be a very tiny object setting the origin there. Try using “cut selected graphics only” and “use selection origin”.

Do you only use the rotary? Otherwise, that doesn’t make sense and should be turned off.


I haven’t used my rotary in quite a while. So far ot hasn’t seemed to create any issue, but you’re right, i should probably turn it off.

Now for the real news… THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED!

It rurns out the problem was my mouse failed and was messing up Lightburn.

I suspected it could be an issue since the problems started when the mouse quit responding and I replaced the battery.

Yesterday evening, I installed a new mouse and all the problems went away.

Well it seems the problem is only gone when the laptop is not plugged into the laser.

Well for now, switching off the Rotary Enable, seems to switch the problem off also.
Can you tell me why you suspected the Rotary Enable?
Thank You Very Much! I’m Burning again.

Thank You parsec

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This happens when you have Rotary with mirror output.

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Thank you again! My mouse must have caused it when the battery was dying.

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