NEJE laser master 2s max not connecting

I have the NEJE master 2s Max.
I know my USB cable connection is at least adequate enought to connect to laser. I have successfully upgraded firmware.
Downloaded NEJE software, states connected and sent a picture to engrave.

When I try to connect in LB, it won’t find the laser on its own. I can hear the laser “click” but the laser isn’t found.
I added laser manually, using the GRBL option. in LB console I get a message “waiting for connection”. AND the laser has a yellow light.

When I shut down LB, the yellow light goes away.

I’ve read through several posts and see that some have changed baud rate. I’ve confirmed mine is 115,200

I’ve changed USB ports. The ports change in lightburn but still get waiting for connection message in console.

I’ve power cycled laser and laptop. I’m sure that I’m missing a step. Any ideas what I could be missing?

Do you select the correct com port in LB?

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