Neje laser not connected in lightburn

What corner is home in your machine?

Edit → Device settings what Origin you are using

I remember that the homing corner and origin on Neje machines is not often the same

If you have the incorrect Origin in Edit → device settings it will reverse your engraving

the machine’s home is most often at neje on the motherboard side. or at my place in the back left. and I configured lightburn with a left rear origin, like during the evaluation version since it worked very well. but in this LB 1.5.3 is not well. if i change the origin in front right the red point is front right and the green poit is left rear. and if i ask to return at home the laser tries to exceed the limits and i vave a message alarm 9 ( i was read that is alam 9)
console $# :











after checking with neje, I said something stupid: for my machine, the origin is in front left (but left rear for me because i see other side of machine), but when I ask for home from lightburn it always tries to force the limits. after disconnecting everything from the neje card then reconnecting everything, it seems to work correctly

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