Neje max 4 extended not homing at 0

I replaced the motherbored on my neje max 4 with extended area 750mm/1030mm.
Now, it is homing at random locations on the correct home side but not at 1030y 0x
When I find location it says it is in the correct homing position ( 1030y 0x )
I have to turn the laser off and push back to home for it to be correct.
All settings seem to ve correct.
Device settings area are correct.
Machine settings area are correct.
Any ideas?

When you replaced the mainboard It came pre configured for the extension?
Can you share your settings so we can see ?


Once again another extension kit without instructions to set Max Y travel to set machine to home in a single move from far end, set $131=1030

I restarted and it corrected! Yay! Ty!