New A40640 module not emitting beam when powered on

I recently purchased another A40640 module. Previously, when I would power on my machine and get ready for a cut, the laser beam would flicker/pulse/blink really lightly, enough to see the location of the beam.

With this new module, I dont get anything unless I select “Fire” or run the job. If I select fire and then try framing the job, the laser stops while traveling and then comes back on when its back to its origin.

I must be missing something? Any help is appreciated. Thanks

I’ve got the same module. It cranks the fan up and goes into a very low power mode then stops. That seems to be the initialization procedure for my module.

Either they have changed how it cycles up or it is somehow miswired.

There are 4 connections, are you using all of them?

It does have an internal controller of some type, but I don’t know to what extent.

I’d suggest a wiring check as that’s about all you can do at this point… or was this a Neje for a Neje with the same connector?

Has this ever worked?


it happens with both frame method?
try to increase a little the value of “fire”

Yes with both framing methods. I did discover that holding shift when selecting frame does fire the laser during the outline which helps.

So my previous two laser modules were an A40630 and an A40640, both Neje units. After powering the machine and modules the laser would emit a super low blue light, it would flicker and blink for as long as the power of the machine was on, you could hold your hand under it, it would never mark material. I always thought this was standard for these lasers so that you can line your work piece up. I never needed to use the fire button,

Is this not normal? I will say that now that I dont have it, I want it back. Im using the same cables, its an openbuilds ACRO with a blackbox controller.

I dont feel like im explaining myself very well.

I will increase the fire button % once im back home tonight and see what happens


This is what Im refering too, maybe it doesnt blink its just super low. In this video the machine is sitting idle, but its still emitting a low powered beam

well i think there is some issue in the electronic of the module, i had quite same problem with my A40630, when powered up, normally the fan turns on at max speed then stop. Mine remained turned on at amx level, i dissasembled it for check and cleaning and… disaster…

the pcb driver detached from the pcb diode

Does this mean it’s ‘toast’? Or is it repairable?


I have a module in this exact same state. I was hoping to get it repaired but i dont know if thats an option

i bougth the new driver, when will arrive i will know if also the diode is toasted… but i hope not

in this case i think that this will help you as helped me

I’m in contact with Neje support and i’m actually talking with one of their engineer, with him i tested the laser diode and it seems to be fully functional, so when both pcb will arrive i’ll make the repair.

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