Ok, I’ve had a Sclupfun 30 Pro Max 20 watt machine for about 3 months. Although I still have a lot to learn about Lightburn, I really caught the bug and bought an Omtech ZF2028-60 machine, the controller is a Ruida KT332N. I hooked it up to my laptop, got the license extended
and got ready to go.Lightburn found the new machine, no problem.
The issue is that today, I was busy aligning the mirrors on the new machine, while running a project on my Sculpfun, and problem! The diode runs at mm/min, the CO2, mm/sec. I checked the devise settings and it showed Sculpfun but on tab Additional Settings, all of the speed settings are now mm/sec.
Although it’s easy enough to take speed settings from my Sculpfun Material Tests and divide by 60 but I’m finding it hard to believe that Lightburn would not keep the units of measure separate, and show correct speed sets for whichever laser I’m using.
Please let me know how I can resolve this issue.