New Method for White Tile Engraving: Norton White Tile Principal Component Method

Guys please believe me when I say I have lived my life with many substances and materials that later in my life were found to be less than good for the human being.
What to do ??

But I was just searching for a paint store here in BUlgaria that might have paint with TiO2 so I could go buy some and try to get some of these great image results, and I found this:

Can titanium dioxide kill you?

There is evidence that titanium dioxide nanoparticles can be inhaled by some mammals, possibly even humans, and that ultra fine particles are more toxic than larger particles. Nano sized titanium dioxide can irritate the lining of the lungs and may cause enough injury to trigger a cancer-like response.Mar 19, 2018

So, please wear a mask, maybe you are because of Covid, but this could be another good reason to :slight_smile: