New Pass Through Function

I saw the release of this and thank you, but a question. What if I didn’t have a pass through, could you
rotate the piece and cut the top then the bottom?

Oz mentioned a video on it, but I haven’t seen anything yet. I’m curious as well.

Yes, you could. The Print & Cut feature just aligns a cut to some existing registration marks. You could easily cut half of a job, then rotate it 180 degrees and cut the other half, leaving the wood hanging out the front of the machine.

Virtual Pass-Through ®?

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I have to say guys, I am 1000% amazed at what you can accomplish. It makes me wish I had a reason to cut something like this. Of course, I’d have to get my red dot working and aligned again… But still, absolutely amazing work.

in theory, should this feature also work with our “built-in” camera or do I see it completely wrong?

This feature does not use the camera.

I mentioned it primarily because in the video “only” the laser center pointer was used.

I mis-typed that - it does NOT use the camera at all, just the position of the laser head.

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