You’re just not clear on how all of this works (or doesn’t) together. First is the coordinate system.
There is a 0, 0 position in the coordinate system.
Where your machine homes, determines which quadrant it’s operating within. Mine homes in the rear/left so I’m operating in Quadrant IV
Front/right - Quadrant II
You working area is defined within this quadrant.
This is always how these find their way around… even with a rotary, the machine still thinks it’s working on the flat, defined work area.
Start from, identifies to the system if you want it to generate coordinates that start at the absolute coordinate system point of 0, 0 or a user defined point (user origin - when you press origin on the console). There is also current location, which is where the head is located at that time… I haven’t found a good use for this yet, but I’m sure there is…
If you choose absolute coordinates, then start from and job origin are not needed and can’t be modified.
Job origin defines how the code is generated relative to this user defined point.
Rotaries… they are just a table wrapped around something and the controller still thinks of it as a flat work area.
How you power up your machine impacts how you configure it.
If you’ve swapped out the Y for the rotary and powered up the machine, you must press to stop it from homing as there is no home switch on these rotaries.
Check out the X and Y values on the console. These values can’t go negative or above 10000
I spin my Y axes far enough so the artwork is within the machines defined work area. If you esc out of the boot, both number should be 10000.
Move the gantry over the rotary and use the buttons to align the X axes over the start position and press origin on the console.
Ensure artwork is set for a start from of user origin and a the center left of the job origin.
This allows me to set the mug up with it’s logo under the nozzle. It will then engrave with the artwork centered over the mugs logo. This wraps most of the mug, but you can see the logo (large stamped triangle) at the bottom left of the mug. I used this to center the mug…
Make sense?