New update issue - can`t open 2 Lightburn files in the same time


Since I’ve updated Lightburn to last version I get the following error:
If I am working on a lightburn file and I open another , the first one disappears and opens the new file. But I am loosing the first one.

Basically, I can only have 1 lightburn file open. It’s quite annoying as usually, while I have the laser processing a design, I use to work on another…now I can’t.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

It’s an option in the settings, in the file page. (Re-use running instance)

For people with DSP controllers, this will prevent communications issues, since only one can talk to the laser.

Cool. Your feedback is great as always.
Thank you Sir.

For anyone who encounters this issue:
Options → File Settings - > Deselect Auto-lunch files in running copy of Lightburn

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