New at this so hope I have placed it in the right area. I was running my laser today and it was doing ok, then it started gettting a message that “You have no layers in your project to set output.” As I said I am new at this but could not see where I had se anything wrong. Please help
You got the message while burning or setting up?
Do you have a file or screenshot of the problem?
That is the message I get when I try the Preview or Run, and nothing is selected in the workspace window.
I toggle “cut selected” off and on depending on what I need to do and sometimes it catches me out.
OP, check this doc (I recommend reading cover-to-cover, not just this section, but to each their own)
Will not be in shop for a couple of days, will try to get screen shot then.
All the layers on the right-hand side in the layer window have a switch to disable them. Make sure you have at least one layer with active “output” switch enabled.
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