No Overlay on Mac Air M1, Monterey MiniGerbilV3 on K40

I am running lightburn 1.1.04 on a Mac Air M1 , Monterey 12.4 , MiniGerbil V3 board with a K40. No problems on normal operation at all. I calibrated a 5MP USB Camera 60degree without problems. Camera picture shows in the control window .As soon as overlay is started the Mac Air will show the Apple ball , and no overlay . In system setup Lightburn has all rights to access the camera. After the overlay not been realized the light burn communication with the k40/MinigerbilV3 is stopped. Running light burn on an Asus windows10 i7, camera overlay is working perfect and precise without troubles.The USB cable length is 2m approx.7 feet and working fine on the Windows setup.
Can anybody help ? Is it a know issue with 1.1.04 ? I also calibrated by mistake before the head mount camera via the laser tools, but the latest calibration done was the lens calibration and the camera calibration. Any advice ?
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Reinhold based in Vienna

I believe there’s an issue with the current version that’s been fixed in the next upcoming version that if you ever run the head mount calibration process that it distorts the image for normal camera. However, I don’t think it should prevent an overlay.

To remedy, you can try loading a prefs backup by going to File->Load Prefs Backup and choosing a backup prior to you having run the head mount camera calibration. If not, you could delete the prefs file entirely to start from fresh or you could attempt to modify the file if you’re familiar with XML.

I have now some indications that show the direction of the problem more clearly. I have put an active USB hub in-between and I have erased the ini file. Now funny enough an overlay is produced but the same time the head is moving and the overlay shows 3 of the same picture at the same time side by side squeezed . :sneezing_face:. I will try to completely start from the scratch with a straight new installation and keep away from the head mount camera calibration… :rofl:

:laughing: Finally found the trouble maker. Major problem was the USB quality of connection. MacBook Air only has 2x USB C so MiniGerbil V3 is connected directly USB B MiniB to USB C and the 5MP camera via 5pin Cable 2m to USB A. And I bought an original Apple USB A to USB C. That resolved the USB signal troubles. The second issue with no overlay I was able to remove by erasing the press.ini file completely . Reinstalled the Gerbil-STM driver and after careful lens & camera. calibration that I stored overlay is working immediately and precise.

The last remaining issue : When I start lightburn for a new project and both USB are connected to Mac Air it will not connect properly to MG3 board and after homing communication is lost…???

If I start lightburn with only usb to MG3 controller it will start correctly, homing ok and keeps communication. Then I start the camera control panel and connect camera usb and everything is up an running and ok. This is no big problem for myself and hope will be resolved with next lightburn version…
Cheers Reinhold :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Glad you sorted out the issues. The connection loss seems still to be a computer issue, not a LB issue though. There should be no reason for the connection loss. Perhaps try swapping USB-C ports on the computer between the camera and laser.

Thank you for your kind advice. I will give it a try changing the usb c ports and report… :upside_down_face:

Have produced quite a lot and the loss of communication clearly is a MacAir +Monterey problem . When I freshly have booted the Mac and keep a certain procedure : Connecting first USB-C with the MG3 controller and initiate the camera control and only after connect the 2nd USB the 5MP Camera is recognized, overlay can be started and is working fine. If I stop working closing down Lightburn or disconnecting the camera USB and later want to start again. No camera recognition, no communication with the controller. Only total Mac system reboot will help. So it is a Monterey/USB issue… :crazy_face:

Yikes. Surprised you found the magical series of steps at all… Maybe there’s a magical series of reverse steps to avoid the lockout scenario…

Appreciated your comment ! I will watch out what action makes it freeze.most probably I need also a certain shut down and disconnecting procedure. I have the K40 in the basement so when I return to the living room I take the Mac Air along with me. So I need to disconnect. I will find out what is the “mystery”… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :partying_face:

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