No reconoce relleno de pdf

hola, soy nueva en el uso de lightburn y maquinas de corte laser. y bueno he estado experimentando pero se me presento un problema al momento de enviar un pdf con un relleno, solo me toma las lineas, lo edite en inkscape y me fije de quitar linea y dejar solo relleno pero aun asi no me sale. porfa ayudenmen con este tema. gracias

hi, i’m new to using lightburn and laser cutting machines. Well, I’ve been experimenting, but I had a problem when sending a pdf with a fill, it just took the lines, I edited it in inkscape and I made sure to remove the line and leave only the fill, but it still doesn’t come out. please help me with this issue. thanks

LightBurn doesn’t import the fill or line setting from InkScape. Show the Cuts / Layers list, select the blue layer and change it to ‘Fill’. Then preview to see the result.

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