Offset fill freezing up

Trying to fill a 2mm offset fill of a small file. Always seems to freeze the program at 12%. I am not able to close the rendering offsets windo and not able to close down Lightburn either. Anyone know the cause or the fix of this? It has been happening for quite sime time in early versions.

Mine has been sluggish today a well, even on Fill. I am going to roll back to 1.6.03 to see if it changes.

There are some shapes that will make offset fill go into an endless loop. The 4 leaf clover from the 4-H logo is one that I have found will hang my machines. I have decent memory 8gig an 16gig … So I am not running out of RAM.

There are some things that I prefer offset fill for, even though there can be “patchwork” artifacts left in the design. I have a few items that were requested with that effect.

How about trying to breakup the graphic into adjacent pieces to change the internal shapes needed to offset fill?

Can you upload your problem shape here? We could try to help you work around the roadblock.

I apreciate any help, but with Lightburn not ever open I can not close the rendering window…

and I have already rebooted PC, and this window is on desktop screen after reboot. Not able to open Lightburn now
how do I get rid of this??

Try closing it from the task manager. It’s wierd that it would stay after reboot.

when I try closing, it automaticly opens…repeatedly. YES, task manager closed it

What kind of results do you get with a fill operation, rather than an offset fill?

Screenshots really help fill in the gaps of the explanation. Also, upload the save file here so we can look at it on our machines. Would love to help you out here buddy.

I did delete my original file of what I wanted, but this file will not render the offset either.TEST OFFSET.lbrn2 (57.4 KB)

On my laptop, there is no issue with LINE, FILL or OFFSET fill.

I just tried it as well. No issues. I’m on a MacBook if that matters.

Happened to me, just click on Close about 20 times. This might be something for the Team @LightBurn to examine. I noticed the dramatic difference in the 1.7 release.

I just previewed your file and it comes up instantly.

I just did a test with a drawing I knew would choke. It also came up very fast.

The difference here? I deleted Microsoft OneDrive from my machine. I have an i7 processor with solid state hard drives and it was getting sluggish.


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