I saved the file on a USB drive and forgot to save on the main drive… Big mistake…
Next morning took USB drive to work shed and plugged into computer and Laser…
Cut and engraved for about an hour on and off when finished save the file to the usb went inside for lunch after that I done some other stuff outside then at 2.30 it was time for my rest… Heart problems again…
Any way later that night I went to set up some my more on that file ready for cutting the next day, but I got "Opening and ending tag mismatch. (line6?) " with OK, so I pressed OK and got nothing…
Reading online I did not really understand about this at all but the bit I did was You should still be able to open it when you click OK…
Can any one enlighten me on this is simple terms and can I still retrieve my file…
Should have realized someone would ask this… Notre Dame.lbrn2 (570.5 KB)
Because I save the file to a usb first, then in the workshop on another computer but that usb dock was/is a different letter or do I no nothing and leave the thinking to the experts…
Yeah…I uploaded the file here then I download the file and not a problem…
So I open another LB and open the file from the computer and bugger me not a problem… The old saying “What a difference a day/night makes.”
If/when this happens again will wait a day before enquiring about it… Cause sometimes it makes one feel foolish…
As you can see on the Right hand side most of the thumbnail is blacked out and the file will not load but the file I upload here I had downloaded and saved with a different name and that opens OK… Strange…