Options pleasess

Hello, good day. I have a request for your next update: I would like to suggest adding a reset button that allows users to reset all settings to their default state. I couldn’t find this option, and last night, I encountered an issue while trying to run a file that I had successfully run a week ago. Although all my layers were set to the correct speed and power, when they reached the laser, it only operated at 10% power.

I tried to manually reset every adjustable setting in LightBurn, but none of it worked. This morning, I decided to uninstall LightBurn and remove every file associated with it from my registry. After reinstalling, everything is functioning again.

Having a one-click option to reset all user-configurable settings back to their defaults would be incredibly helpful, especially after experimenting with various changes. It would simplify troubleshooting.

In my case, it took me about 2.5 hours to search through my registry and uninstall all components of LightBurn. I only did this because I was unsure which files contained my settings, so I removed everything. Thankfully, it works now!

There is.
A search trough the docs:

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I would have tried reloading a preferences file from last time it worked correctly before uninstalling and putting in all that work editing registry, was this something you tried ?

Isn’t that what I said? Was one of the first things I did. but nothing works. And to be completely honest, after doing what I did the program works as intended. The program, just like many others, do have bugs and not everybody experiences them. So yeah, it is what it is.

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Maybe, you said you reset everything manually, the way I read it was you were asking for a reset button for next update, which is basically what Reloading preferences is, sometimes what I read at 4am has a different meaning to when I read it at 9am, LOL

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Which version of the file should it load? Sometimes an older version of the file solves the problem.

That I guess is a case of trial and error, sometimes you don’t always notice a problem straight away. I usually 1st try for one immediately prior to a problem/update then one about a week before.