Ortur Error Message When Framing

I hooked up my Ortur roller and then switched back to normal engraving without it. I am now getting the below error when trying to frame or start a job. It allows me to move the laser and home/origin is working just fine. I tried doing a search and troubleshooting based on the results, but not luck.

I also did the firmware update on the machine.



Starting stream


G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Machine position safely retained. Alarm may be unlocked. (Right-click the β€˜Devices’ button to reset the connection)

On or near line 2:

Stream completed in 0:00

[MSG:Reset to continue]


Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2 Ready!

OLF:OLF 187.



[MSG: Warning: Flame Sensor Disabled by User OverRide]

[MSG: Flame detector Inactive. Luminosity too high]

Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]


Can you take a full screenshot of LightBurn with Laser window showing and post here?

You still have rotary enabled. Disable first then retest.

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I would also type in console
perss enter
ANY line shows anything other X0 Y0 if you have homed?

Go to edit β†’ Select all
Doe the selection box stays within grid?

PY is right. Disable the rotary mode evidenced by the green dot and the green message in the lower right corner.

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