Ortur Laser Master 2 Not Burning in Lightburn But Will in LaserGRBL

Hey y’all. I apologize that this is being asked again as I have read quite a few forum posts about this issue with no luck of my own.

My Ortur Laser Master 2 is connected, and runs the path of the design I am attempting to engrave. The laser fires and is constantly firing along the path but I am not getting any burns.

I have adjusted the G-Code a number of times to either slow the laser down, to increase the power to the laser, or both.

I can run this laser in LaserGRBL just fine and get clean burns, but Lightburn for whatever reason doesn’t want to give enough power to burn.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!

Without any more information I’m going to guess that you have units set in mm/s in LightBurn and putting in values intended for mm/min.

Take a careful look at the units for your cut settings.

If this is the case then go to Edit->Settings and change the default units to mm/min.

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