Ortur Laser Master 3 No Wifi

Class Guid: {88bae032-5a81-49f0-bc3d-a4ff138216d6}
Location Path:
Migration Rank: 0xF000FFFFFFFFF122
Present: false
Status: 0xC0000719

Does it actually get a COM port number?
Screenshots would really help

No Com port number. Before setting up Wi-fi it would always connect on com 10 or com 11.

You really need Zadig the drivers in somethig might have happened with them

Drivers zone

I downloaded Zadig. I ran it but don’t know what driver to tell it.

Follow the PDF please.

Select USB Serial (CDC) from the list of drivers available, click the Install Driver button, and wait for the installation to complete.

Can be Reinstall too.

THANK YOU! Updating the driver’s allows me to connect via USB.

These are the belt tensioners

Ok so that is a problem too

The washer is in the inside. Underside view
Green is the highlighted washer

Then use the little line to align the nut

It moves much smoother now! Thank you again!

I do have an interesting dilemma that appeared this morning. Yesterday I loaded a file that I created with the Ortur LM3 when on Wi-fi and it worked correctly on USB. Interestingly enough, when I reloaded it this morning everything was flipped horizontally. If I switch between Wi-fi and USB there is a reversal that I can’t find the source of. I made sure that the origin setting of both device profiles is the same. It was good yesterday, but not today? Any suggestions?

You changed this one too right? The washer is on the opposite side of the block

Confirm both Origins on Edit > device settings match
In fact if you can take both screenshots. USB and WIFI of Edit > device settings

When I went back into setup I did have the origin setting wrong, but when I corrected it, it’s good on the screen but burns it backward.

Somehow I sent the wrong picture yesterday.

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I tried using the Wi-Fi again and it engraved backward also. Restarted Lightburn and it’s running correctly again. I don’t know what’s going on with it.

Thank You again Gil. I have one more issue if I can trouble you for information. When making vertical cuts it’s a steady laser beam. When making horizontal cuts the beam seems more flickery and I can hear a tone difference from the module. Horizontal cuts don’t seem to cut well at all. I did defocus the beam to see the shape and it’s not 0.08 x 0.08 spot advertised. It’s rectangular and based on the ratio of the sides I’m estimating a 0.08 x 0.12 spot size. 0.08 cutting vertical and 0.12 cutting horizontal. Is there a hidden setting for different modes when cutting vertical and horizontal? I realize the spot size makes a difference but the sound change and flicker has me wondering.

I also made sure my lens is spotless.

If you rotate your work (and material to reduce wastage) 45 degrees, no matter the shape of spot you will get even cuts both X and Y axis.