Ortur LM2 will not connect to Lightburn

I recently received an Ortur LU1-4 replacement laser and mother board to go with it and ever since then I can not connect to the laser with Lightburn version 1.1.04 on my windows 7 laptop. I was able to connect just fine with the old laser that used to shut off in the middle of a run. Any ideas? It used to be that I could choose the port from the drop down in Lightburn but now there are no ports listed and this is after making sure I had all the updates installed.

What kind of board did you receive? If it’s an upgraded board it’s possible that you’ll need a different driver than what you had previously.

I am not sure if the board is different than the original but I do know everything works ok if I use my windows 10 laptop with Lightburn. It connects flawlessly and I didnt change anything on that computer after receiving the motherboard, so I just assumed my old windows 7 laptop would work as well.

With your laser connected and on can you open Device Manager on your W7 computer and look for any unrecognized devices? Take a screenshot.

Here is a screenshot of the device manager. I have reinstalled the driver several times and it doesnt seem to help any. the picture shows a screenshot of the driver I installed which I downloaded from here: Software Download For Laser Engraving Machines – Ortur

Looks like your board has the newer USB-serial device.

Take a look through this PDF and follow the instructions very carefully. Especially the interface and driver selection portions. It can be painful to correct if you get it wrong.

Aufero Laser 1 - DRIVER windows 7-8.pdf (ortur.tech)

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You beat me to it! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! that fixed it. I was thinking it was likely the wrong driver but didnt know where to find it.

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