When using the Offset feature, the cutting/lines are meeting at the same point. The beginning and end dont meet to fully cut out the area. I downloaded the driver for my machine, which corrects some issues, but this one remains.
Can you show example?
Seems like a mechanical problem. Can you upload file for that burn?
The second M is not the same. The last stroke of the second M is thinner than the first. Id bet then dont line up exactly. Mechanical slip of some kind.
The “m” being different was a driver issue, which I was able to find the right one. I have attached exactly what I’m talking about now. As you can see, there is a line above that doesn’t connect. I ran it twice, in different areas of the bed, just to see if it repeated the issue.
I didn’t save the file because I just put on the words and then used the offset tool.
Was that file cut as pictured? Meaning was it cutnup and down with the Y axis doing most.of the travel? Or left right?
Have you checked your machine for square? With the power off, can you freely move the laser head from to right and from top to bottom.freely without any sort of binding or abnormal resistance?
Most of the travel was from side to side, not up and down. I have checked for square and everything travels freely
To me it looks like the Y is slipping
Can you post some screenshots of your settings in lightburn for the artwork?
It took me a little bit of messing around, but the travel on the right axis was more than the travel on the left. Adjusted the tension a bit and works like a gem now.
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