Placing 2 objects in lightburn

if I have placed an object in lightburn, and want to place another object, the first one disappears, is there a solution for that???

I’m not quite sure what you’re describing here- can you try again in different (and more) words? Take us through exactly what you’re trying to do, and what you’re seeing. I can tell you that it is definitely possible to place multiple objects in LightBurn without having previous objects disappear.

if i open a object and then next import then is it good

If you’re importing images, you will need to move the images from being on top of eachother.

Tanks all for answers

“Open” is for opening a new project file, and replaces the content of your project with the new one.

“Import” is to import graphics into the current project, so if you were using “Open” for both files, that is why it was happening, and is by design.

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thanks that is what i mean

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