Plasma cutter - Keep arc ON after cut through

re. LB beta 1.5 with “Generic GCode” device profile. Yes I’ve tried it briefly from a very early build back in Oct. I liked what I saw but it had a bug (has since been fixed I’m told) that prevented me from trying the gcode on my plasma table. I plan to jump into it again in a few weeks, letting it mature for now.

Lately I’ve been fairly heads down on adding general purpose usage and rotary support to my custom grbl SheetCAM post processor as it gets shared/picked up with a broader set of users.

The LB 1.5 beta was announced during the LBX conference 10/28/23. Its all very new info and most of what is in process of being written is in development and limited to the beta community I believe. Publicly there are videos of the conference speakers and announcements, with some demo. I’m cross linking to this post with those videos and timelines within. Router-based software similar to Lightburn? - #11 by JohnJohn

Beyond that info, If you want to join the beta, send LB (LightBurn Software an email to inquire.