Playing with new 1064nm IR

I did not, the arm seems to be the proper length on my unit. I’ll try to remember when I get home to place a 20mm block under the unit to ensure it’s correct. As I recall the focal length is 20mm under the heatsink.

Imagine what you could do with a 10w IR laser! I do find it hard to pay more for the IR head than I paid for my entire machine.

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Sadly one of the reasons is the IR is a lot less efficient. The unit itself is massive compared to the 10W blue diode that came with mine, needing a much larger heatsink. Also for only 2W optical output, it includes a new power brick, almost doubling the power. 85W factory, and a 150W came with the IR.

Another thing that threw me off about how hefty it is, is that the machine apparently has different configurations. When my 10W is installed, it’s zippy and fast on both axis, and during homing. With the massive IR unit, Y move acceleration is waaay down and max speed is reduced as well. X movement is just fine, however. Guess it’s a lot of mass to be moving in Y (one motor, two belts, cross bar, full gantry, and the large module itself) Needs a second motor upgrade option.

Wow! Twice as big means it costs twice as much. I can’t imagine what that mass does to the inertia figures.

just a question… the IR module at 1064nm can cut transparent acrilyc?

I don’t have any acrylic to test, so I’m not sure. I would assume it might be able to engrave the surface, but I double it would be able to cut. Especially given the narrow focal depth of only 1mm.

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Wow. I knew focus was shallow on that module. Didn’t realize just how much.

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ok thank you

just another question… can you tell me, in mm, the size of the module? H,L,P? thank you

Very nice, thanks for posting them…

I have a more potent fiber type and I run my interval smaller ~0.0254mm. You might have better results with a lower interval. Even at 0.03mm, it’s too wide for coated aluminum card stock.

One of my stainless steel dog tags, you can see the difference interval made.

I’d suggest material tests with varying intervals. Might find a different result you like better…

I believer your laser is a yag, which means no frequency control… what kind of control do you have…?

BTW… my co2 is an IR laser also, about 1/100th the frequency, but in the IR spectrum nevertheless… :crazy_face:

I like these and they will probably become more powerful. That really depends on the source. You did point out one of the drawbacks and that’s the mass of the device. Most fiber lasers are fast and use a galvo head to make use of it.

Keep up the photos of your projects… :star_struck:

Take care


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Sorry for the late reply, but it’s about 65x69x153mm

One of the reasons there is call for support of the Z axes on a fiber. When engraving relative shallow it’s nice to move the focus down every pass.

If you’re making 256 passes… it adds up and the shorter the lens the more critical focus.

I don’t think EZCad2 boards have that Z axes control… :crying_cat_face:

On my fiber, you don’t do a ramp test, like you generally think, it’s moving the Z axes while listening to the laser on the material.

@Skreelink can you get to the 3dslice option in the image mode for dither…?

This one works pretty well for a 3d coin using the 3dslice option.

The original STL file was free for personal use, not for commercial use. This has been processed by stl2png. This grayscale is the result.

Warn you that on my galvo at 3000mm/s it took almost two hours.

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3dslice is not an option I can select on a GRBL machine.

That’s too bad… maybe do it with the grayscale option?

Just wondering what these are capable of.



no prob, i’m not in a hurry.
btw thank you :wink:

In this case i have the working area lifting in Z so…


Apologies for not replying quicker.

That’s great, in the past the focus arm length has been reported being ~0.5~2mm too long on the XTool IR head.
I’d still suggest that You perform the ramp test, even 0.1mm does make a world of difference with this particular (near)IR unit.

Possibly, but I’d personally think that has to be a some sort of an average, the variance between units seems to be rather great.

And that 1mm pretty much from “not a visible mark” to “not a visible mark” with any reasonable speed.
When some sort of an engraving/marking consistency is the goal, ~0.1mm should be the figure to aim for.

That level of accuracy demand makes levelling the laser and levelling the workpiece a tedious task if the area to mark/engrave is larger.

Even with all the shortcomings of the XTool IR head, it is (or at least was) the only reasonably inexpensive laser unit to mark/engrave a metal surface directly.


I like this little lasers, I’m hoping they maintain their presents in the market and I’d like to see what they can do.

Seems like it. Atomstack has, what appears to be, a true fiber addition for about twice the price of the xTool IR. It’s also 20W, ten times the power of the xTool.

They claim it’s Lightburn compatible. Wonder how compatible?


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O lawdy the science is real. Finally managed to get some clear acrylic, never engraved acrylic before, clear or coloured… It turns this acrylic black with a weird raised engrave… then I had an idea…

XTool D1 Pro, 2W IR, 6000mm/min, 0.1mm Interval, 1/4" focus depth, 1/2" clear acrylic.

Yes, that engrave is in the center of the acrylic. Fascinating.

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It’s one of the materials that isn’t usually viable for engraving with this frequency. It looks pretty good…

I’ll have to see if I can do something similar with my fiber…

Tried it before, it just shown through…

What interval are you using? Looks like you could get away with a smaller interval.
