Please help issues with alarm

I have installed an tried using the lightburn software but I keep getting an alarm, after homing.

I am new at this so not sure what to do.

Are you using the ortur laser master 2 Pro? If so, are you using it in a sunny or bright place? The sun triggers the sensor and sets the alarm off. I only know because I had this problem. Hope this helps.

There should be more text to your alarm message, I think.

It’s probably not homing properly.


Sorry. If your in a sunny place it will keep triggering the alarm try in a dark area. On OLM2 pro it does anyway.

So I came home and tried with light out, still not working any suggestions?

Try this: In the console, type the command:

G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0

(and press enter)

Then, power the machine off, move the laser head to the front-left position, and power back up again.

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