Please help me :( My Lightburn behaves weird

I’ve made a short video to explain my problem. Basically something seems to be inverted sometimes. Idk why. Using the move menu it works fine in LaserGrbl and in Lightburn. homing works fine too. But when I hit frame, the x axis seems to be inverted cz it hits the end switch. please help me out I’ve spend days on the internet now trying to find a solution.

Video is here: Lightburn Problems HELP :'(

Good video. Minimally you’re likely to have an issue with your offset because you’re homing to the bottom right. There may be other things going on but let’s focus on the first and primary issue.

You can solve this a few different ways.

  1. physically change the location of the switches so that it homes bottom left so that homing location is same as origin
  2. configure an offset so that your machine knows the distance between home location and origin
  3. potentially change the coordinate quadrant used by your laser to 2nd Quadrant by changing machine origin to bottom-right.

For option 2, after homing jog the laser to the far front-left of the frame to where the origin is set. Then run this in Console to get offset and status. Return details here:

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Alright thanks for your detailed reply first.

I went for option 2 and did what you told me.
Here are the 3 Screenshots of the console output after entering the commands.

It seems you already have an offset configured.

Can you move laser to upper right and check position? It should read something like 420,410.

I homed and moved to the upper right and get position says x: 399 and y: 400

Alright. That’s approximately what it should be but the symptoms are a little confusing.

Can you rerun $$ but copy the results here as text and not a photo? Will make it easier to compare.

I’m stepping out for a while but can check when I return.

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sure no problem here is the result of $$


thx for your help take your time :v:t3:

I’m a little confused. I watched your video again. Have you changed GRBL settings between the video and when you sent these settings?

The parts that are throwing me off:

  1. $10 setting is different between the two
  2. From what I can see in your video you don’t have an offset configured which would have explained some of the behaviors that were original described. It also explains the negative coordinates I see at times in the video. Did you change the offset after the video was made?
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Nope I didn’t change anything between the video and the notes I sent I left things untouched. This is what confused me too I have the feeling that it changes values or behavior randomly or doesn’t apply changes correctly idk

Are you moving back and forth between LaserGRBL and LightBurn? I believe LaserGRBL caches GRBL configuration and will only refresh on read and can write cached values.

If so, the commands that you returned the output for here, were these run fresh in LightBurn console?

If not, I suggest you reflash the firmware, then issue $RST=* in Console to restore defaults. Then manually apply the S9 specific changes.

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Yes the Screenshots and notes were straight from LightBurn console. And I’ve already tried that too reflashing and resetting to factory defaults.

Okay. Let’s start from the beginning then.

Try this:

  1. Home
  2. Enter in Console:
G0 X200 Y200

What happens?

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the laser travels 200 on the y axis but crashes into the right side hitting the limit switch

Not what I would expect but aligns to what you said.
Can you confirm machine origin is set to bottom-left in Device Settings right now?

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yes it’s set to bottom-left

Ok. Try this please:

  1. Home
  2. Return Console results:
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sure here you go:


















Is it possible that you have X motor plugged in backwards?

Please reconfirm if jogging controls all work in the expected direction right now.

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nope that’s impossible. With the stock firmware everything worked fine (at that time I had no limit switches installed). also the connectors are locked in direction even if I wanted to, I couldn’t plug things in backwards. jogging controls work fine yes. only framing seems to be inverted on the x-axis.

Okay. Thanks for confirming.

Try this. Jog the laser to the center of the machine. Then in Console:

G0 X5
G0 X-5

In which direction do the G0 commands move?

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