Poor start quality at lower power settings

No problem, but please note: this test is designed to test performance at low power so should be run at 25 or 30%. If you run the test now and again in the same material after you change the tube you will be able to compare the tube performance.

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I’ll do that. Thank you.

Thankyou, that is a very interesting result! - but I am confused by the “No Offset adjustment” comment since I had expected that to have been calibrated and enabled.

What difference does it make when enabled? and what is your setting for 400mm/s?

As you can tell the laser knows where it is and the offset is very close when you look at the 45% or 50%. Offset is set for the speed of the laser and not the power, as I understand it. If you add any offset, the square boxes will have lines in them and the outside edges will not have a nice start stop.

First replacement tube came shattered.

The second tube arrived and is installed. This is the first test after alignment. Same exact file and settings. What a difference. Thank you to everyone for investing your time to this issue. I am so grateful.


Wow, yes what a huge difference! :smile:

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