Power button is blinking Green

I am unable to connect to my laser as the power button is now blinking green. I have in the past been able to connect. I have checked to make sure the power sources are accurate and have multiple chords. I am using Lightburn 1.6 and the laser diode information is: Product name: Blue Laser, Model No: PW0450FS10000M, Wavelength, 450±5nm, Focl Length: 18 mm
Input Voltage: 12V, Optical Power: 10W, Class:1V, IEC 60825-1:2014 (FDA CE FC RoHS The mother board reads as Makerbase MKS LTS V1.1

I have had performance issues with this laser and never been able to actually use it. Today I decided to sit down, and trouble shoot but can’t even connect to Lightburn and turn it on. Please help and let me know if you need more info.

  1. What Device is selected (lower right of Laser window). Does it just say GRBL just before the device name you added?
  2. What COM ports are listed? If more than one, have you tried them all?
  3. Have you tried another USB cable? If you do not have a spare, borrow one from another piece of equipment (PC, tablet, cell phone, etc.) for testing.

This is sad! You have been a member since January. Post your questions and wait for the solutions to roll in. There is an incredible amount of people willing to help you get up and running. But you have to initiate the conversation, just like you did here.

Please update your bio. RoHS is a standard, not a laser brand. Without knowing what laser machine you have, and its optical power, answers here will be too generic.


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