Preview time is not match the real time


I would like to know one thing:

In Lightburn, the preview window indicates that it takes 119 minutes to engrave at a given speed and laser percentage. In reality, the engraving took 247 minutes (!). Why is this?

Thank you very much. Have a nice day everyone!

Thank you so much the answer! (a Tintahal miatt kérdezem: magyar honfitárs?)

I set it up as you wrote. So he simulated it for 134 minutes, but in reality it was 247 minutes. There are a lot of dark dots in the picture.

Beállítottam, ahogy írta. Így 134 percre szimulálta, de a valóságban 247 perc volt. Sötét pontokból sok van a képen.

LightBurn cannot know if your controller is fast enough to keep up with the requested speed. If you have an 8-bit GRBL controller, they can only process about 200 GCode instructions per second. Running an image at 100 mm/sec with 250 DPI will produce about 1000 GCode instructions per second to execute.

The controller will run them as fast as it can, but if it can’t keep up, that will affect the accuracy of the preview estimate.

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