I believe typical figures for your laser has both of these at 44 steps per mm. Looks like you may have calibrated this but may have calibrated it slightly large based on your other results.
The output is a little confusing. So you’re saying the output for no Print & Cut war larger than with Print & Cut (not scaled)? This absolutely shouldn’t be the case.
So design size is 15mm, print is 14mm, actual cut is 15.5mm. So all-in, the difference between print and cut is almost 11%. This looks about how far off the overall cut is. This makes sense for Aligned (not scaled).
What I don’t understand, though, is that you’re saying even with Aligned (Scaled) that this doesn’t work. That should allow LightBurn to fit the print even if the print is slightly off.
Are you able to retest this?
Overall, a few suggestions:
recalibrate your axes or revert to 44 steps/mm. When you calibrate, make the largest square you reasonably can. That will minimize the impact of any measuring error.
when you do your print, I’d suggest looking for ways to make sure the image is not getting scaled. Some programs handle this better than others. Adobe PDF reader can do this relatively well but I would expect Illustrator to have a way of not scaling.
test print & cut again using Align (scaled) option. I’m almost certain this should work and your workflow seems correct
once recalibrated, the non-scaled version should work assuming you can get the print to print to dimension
Sorry. I thought you had changed this deliberately so was familiar with this. $100, and $101 are GRBL configurations that specify the number of steps the controller requests to move 1 mm. Normally for your laser this should be 44 steps per millimeter. However, in your configuration these are both set to 46.154 steps per millimeter. This is likely why your laser is burning slightly larger than expected. You can change this value manually or you can use Edit->Machine Settings->Calibrate Axis to attempt to use tools to calibrate these values.
Okay. That’s more comforting.
Yes. Or change the values directly until calibrated.
There are many different options when printing to fine tune print scale. There may be a small reduction happening. Look for anything that might look like “fit to page”. You don’t want that. You want to print at 100%.
IT WORKED! i have calibrated X and Y axe’s on a 260mm cube, i probably have set 1mm wrong, i need to adjust it a little bit more, but it was the problem and im so glad you helped me! Thank you so much!