Print cut feature on trocen-awc

Hello everyone, my company recently purchased a Boss HP-5598. We really want to be able to large format print and then cut. I have looked into the print cut feature and it seems to be a good solution but
I can’t wrap my head around the issue of the “controller setting” issue with Lightburn… im not sure how to bypass this or change the setting on the controller to enable the print cut option to enable. Thanks in advance for any help.

We are currently reworking the LightBurn documentation so you may find some dust while we are doing so :wink: but, have a look here:

You need to select one of the targets to start the process of defining the object to be cut.

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Thanks! I was able to find that documentation and do some prints and cut them today with fairly decent
quality. Its limited to the print quality and my eye but better than I was expecting… Love this software!

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My issue was not knowing how to get my controller to allow the software to use absolute coordinates but I also found a thread where Oz describes the process… Its not intuitive but it does work!

I’ve pushed for Trocen to allow the software to change the controller origin mode, and I think newer versions of their firmware will allow this. I have one of their controllers with this implemented already, but I’m not sure what their rollout plan is.

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